Happy New Year 2020 !

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Happy New Year 2020 !

Post by Nelsona »

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Re: Happy New Year 2020 !

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Happy 2020!!!!
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Re: Happy New Year 2020 !

Post by D13GO_{HoF} »

Happy 2020 for all

Now back to our life's and ignore everyone :P
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Re: Happy New Year 2020 !

Post by Kelly »

I got an early start then, I'm already ignoring everyone.

Hope it's a great year for all you guys! You all are wonderful and deserving of a banner year!

....Except EvilGrins....Yeah, fuck him....

Hmmm...better add Paper too...Yeah fuck papercoffee....

Come to think of it fuck Nelsona too.


You know what, scratch the entire post. I hope you all get crabs and an IRS audit.

/s kidding, I love you guys
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Re: Happy New Year 2020 !

Post by Nelsona »

My Turn...
I would wish you a happy new year,... yeah... very "happy"... with these news about Covid-19. Now I'm not sure about this year if it's a happy one, or if it will be a happy one...

A joke in our country was like that:
The God did Light, Earth, Humans the rest are Made In China... including this disease... I'm not going to comment or post other facts, panic doesn't help at all.
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Re: Happy New Year 2020 !

Post by Nelsona »

I won't wish any HAPPY NEW YEAR for anybody because last time it was a mess for entire planet.
However, let's hope that things are going to be better.

GTFO 2020, you were such a mess...
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Re: Happy New Year 2020 !

Post by BluEyedBitch_{HoF} »

Yah I'm not going to use the H word either .... Better New Year guys !
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