Servers State

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Re: Servers State

Post by Nelsona »

Maintenance tasks executed for Sniper Server:
- logs from Oct 13 2022 to May 26 2023 have been archived;
- Nexgen database has been flushed and all old data that was only loading memory was packed/saved as well;
- The new VPN address used by the same Rostov citizen has been locked. Awaiting next classes.

Let me know if anything else must be operated.
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Re: Servers State

Post by Nelsona »

According to the question from chat related to some maps that are no longer available... See this...
RemovedMaps.PNG (8.96 KiB) Viewed 9195 times
Instead of giving credit at mapper and to myself for adding server tweaks making them usable, they went removed for not being over-played and... I did a "sabotage" to server because I turned garbage into something widely used and loved by players...

Edit - small discussion
Probably Evil has the word on that server because... it's not my server, these maps might be thrown into Jamie's server (if are not already there).
This way players can play what they want when they want...
Edit2 Completion
Maps are placed in Jamie's Server, some changes have been done (waiting time 20+ doesn't make any sense).
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Re: Servers State

Post by Nelsona »

Another stage in Server generally.

When game doesn't look smoother, sometimes Bot kills you or another one and you won't figure that, it's because maps are "amazing" - a better translation = BullShit.
It's hard to check things directly in console when server keeps scrolling crap all day long. Skins with messed up Texture declarations, maps that are having "paths", and maps having 852 Inventories and 27 Movers are ALWAYS relevant natively if stuff is not being polished by server (not the case here for preventing a "sabotage" at server). We do have 879 channels taken only by "map", when things are starting to not be always visible it will be caused by these net-channel eaters. I won't put map-names here but... the same stage has PlayerStarts into void dropping player from game while wants to respawn or... spawn. Such sort of bullshit is happily "remade" into Bullshit v2 and so on, shit-show keeps running...

This is why I have to check other logs because game-log is full spam - I rather prefer to examine a public toilette than server's log file, heavily readable.
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Re: Servers State

Post by Nelsona »

Evil Sniper Server has a clone running on 6797 game port.
There is installed a prior version of ACE. More recent versions seems that are kicking player for using functions from packages sent by server itself which to me this problem looks really stupid. Prior version might not have the best deal with WhiteLists - feel free to do required settings.
Server has boosts and fixes based on XC_Engine and so XC player has a Plus.
Several things have been adjusted as well for gaining more free channels, more net resources. Some random map that was printing crap all day long will work now quiet.
Bad PlayerStarts are fixed out of XC assets - so actor (which has 7 kb of data) for fixing problems will work even in a Vanilla server, also an insane number of Nodes + Inventories won't cause a heavy overload. This way is probably helping ACE to do specific checks in a more relaxed environment.
If you think that it's working pretty well, we can switch original server with this ACE server - same maps, same mods.

Data related to this server in case that it's not listed
Address for OpenLocation Menu Command: unreal://
Line for favorites: ACE Evil's Freestyle Snipers Deathmatch\\6798\False
Here UnrealTournament.ini file needs to be edited:

Code: Select all

FavoriteCount=3 //need to match their number 0 to 2 = 0 1 2 = 3 Servers 
Favorites[1]= -=NFR=- Evil's Run & Gun Redeemer\\7889\False
Favorites[2]=ACE Evil's Freestyle Snipers Deathmatch\\6798\False
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Re: Servers State

Post by Nelsona »

For whoever is kicked and is behaving like a crying baby.

Code: Select all

[ACEv10f]: PlayerName.....: ,........
[ACEv10f]: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv10f]: |                                 Kick Reasons                                 |
[ACEv10f]: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv10f]: KickReason.....: Unexpected Package Loaded
[ACEv10f]: PackageName....: EvilFlakCannon_03
[ACEv10f]: PackagePath....: ../Cache\CAA481F449BB6CB941B1C8844352B02E.uxx
[ACEv10f]: PackageSize....: 2072169 bytes
[ACEv10f]: PackageHash....: 5D872458AA95C69FCC71A001EAD45F4A
[ACEv10f]: PackageVer.....: Unknown File
[ACEv10f]: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv10f]: |                               Screenshot Status                              |
[ACEv10f]: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
What to do ?
Deleting the file from CACHE and Entry definition from Cache.ini file using a Text editor. It's really that simple.
This weapon had some bugs and it was fixed at server level without to mess with prior version cached in client, but ACE doesn't like this, simply let game to re-download required file.
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Re: Servers State

Post by Nelsona »

Next subject... if ACE kicks you for some NO REASON, it won't kick you if your render + shit textures makes you to see through boxes/walls - it's all good...
ThoseWalls.png (254.93 KiB) Viewed 9120 times
Yes, it's OpenGL...
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Re: Servers State

Post by Cool Cat »

I got kicked by Ace v12. The reason is probably old version of file EvilFlakCannon_03
ACEv12e  kick.png
ACEv12e kick.png (76.12 KiB) Viewed 9110 times
I find it in cache, using windows search in cache folder and try again. Then kick again this time file EvilFlakCannon_04.
Ace v12e kick number2.png
Ace v12e kick number2.png (75.21 KiB) Viewed 9108 times
I find and delete this file too, and finally was not kicked from Evil's server. But there is not much people there. Most of players kicked and they are not smart enough to understand what to do to not kicked from server. This is the problem:
Ace v12e kick BuBy.jpg
Ace v12e kick BuBy.jpg (207.87 KiB) Viewed 9108 times



I also got kicked for bad connection - there was minor problems for several seconds (even internet radio stopped playing) - ACE v12e decided to kick me for that.
At this point i advice Evil-1 to dump Ace at all. There was a reason why his server WAS number one - because he did not have ACE !
Also players kick left and righ all the time (probably because of that EvilFlacCannon two files. Server sits almost empty in times where 10-12 players usually present. This sucks.
Ace v12e kick - bad connection.png
Ace v12e kick - bad connection.png (75.89 KiB) Viewed 9102 times
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Re: Servers State

Post by Nelsona »

"Luckily" I have access at logs. Some players are gone because of their cached/uncached files, but others were not the best ever players... Some of them were kicked for whatever BotPack used... You can take in account that less clean people are no longer have place there. Evil asked for ACE, ACE is there...
A few months ago server was getting bugged for some unknown functions calls done by some "Player", I could not track logs due to permanent crap scrolling all day long and insufficient data logged when a player is coming in. Lolo guy was there when server had players not when was empty... so he dodged around from my sight.

Evil decided to have ACE and ACE revealed generic I.Q. level of a Player ignorant when messages are clearly pointing what's up. These boys need to learn some Computer Operating before messing up with computers.

Next subject of ACE is maintaining a good alignment Server-Player - I'm not talking crap...

Code: Select all

[ACEv12e]: KickReason.....: Unknown Package Loaded
[ACEv12e]: PackageName....: UnrealShare
[ACEv12e]: PackagePath....: ../System/UnrealShare.u
[ACEv12e]: PackageSize....: 22124694 bytes
[ACEv12e]: PackageHash....: F3611091657D2102DEFAA325FA7F386C
[ACEv12e]: PackageVer.....: Unknown File 

Code: Select all

[ACEv12e]: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv12e]: |                                 Kick Reasons                                 |
[ACEv12e]: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv12e]: PackageName....: BotPack
[ACEv12e]: PackagePath....: ../System/Botpack.u
[ACEv12e]: PackageSize....: 39016791 bytes
[ACEv12e]: PackageHash....: D46650C6A090CAFB6333BC33491E561D
[ACEv12e]: PackageVer.....: UT v436 Std
[ACEv12e]: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 
Etc... Laggers that are not responding at periodic checks are also dropped.
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Re: Servers State

Post by Nelsona »

What was about old files - Short story as possible.
Certain replacement did not managed that crap (which is not for mapping) called DoubleEnforcer - that's a place-holder empty gun.
As result weapon was replaced but trying forever to spawn AMMO that is removed and recursively adding actors until server was knocked down.
A quick and cheap fix without blocking server was to operate the fix (for those SH!T maps) and conforming package for preventing more editing or mismatch version errors. This is what ACE is not loving at all... Offending files have to be in a very simple logic deleted from cache or main folders, just like that.
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Re: Servers State

Post by Cool Cat »

I must say that Mutator "double jump" on Evil's server kinda malfunction several monthes ago. The thing is if you quickly press 2 times one of the movement keys -AWSD and then press jump you go flying fast. And if you did so with anti-gravity boots you go flying fast and high.
I use that a lot on Evil's server all years. Unexperienced players (or just stupid) when see that begun crying of me cheating, cause they don't understand why player suddenly go flying 200km\h fast on great high.
But in this year second jump usually not working. I mean when you press letter D 2 times very fast and then quickly press SPACE to fly, you then can press SPACE again and fly more and further. But now it's not working on Evil's server for all 2023 year.
On Blue's server it is working. On Evil's - not.
Something malfunctioned and i ask you Nelsona, to please fixed it.
Here is demo of how it should work:
(644.06 KiB) Downloaded 278 times
This is recorded on Blue's server. Now you can not do that on Evil's often. Mostly it is not working. Or only one SPACE push working. Mutator called double jump, but it works only one press of SPACE or do not works at all.
I press 2 times very fast one of movement keys (AWSD) and then quickly press SPACE button. And double jump mutator allows me to fly and fast (with anti-gravity boots higher and faster). But its not working on Evil's reliably, sometimes not working at all.
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