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Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 4:19 pm
by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF}
This map is ready for bot pathing, snow generator and a bit of tweaking here or there. I will do a DM version eventually but for now I'm aiming towards GunGameUT usage.

CSS Version

My version for UT99.

Re: GG-fy_snow

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 9:37 pm
by D13GO_{HoF}
good job schwartz, if needed nelsona or kelly or me can add the bot pathing for you since it looks like a simple map for pathing

Re: DM-gg_fy_snow

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 9:05 pm
by Nelsona
For public knowledge about what paths are here let me summarize what I did and then... you might practice what you want if solution is more suitable:
- Playerstart Actors are not part of paths - reducing telefrag during navigation and navigation data to process;
- items very close each-other (vials and Snipers+ammo) are managed by a single InventorySpot aka InventoryDetector for each group generating less closer overcrowded paths, their groups are hidden for any future potential XC rebuild if is requested - in game are normal;
- those four higher areas have access even if there are no items around, but A.I. might hunt players and will need orientations as well when human is hunting creatures or whatever;
- paths network is mapped using as reference SkaarjPlayerbot a little bit adjusted so we have pretty valid jumpy routes;
- All VisNoReach[x] and that useless data referenced in Navigation Nodes is wiped out as textures references unused;
- after two tests I decided to remove some paths post-pathing because they were too close to corners, removing their reference index.

A rebuild in steps has been performed because some walls did not collide creating even paths through them.