The originals didn't have the ability to be placed on teams, and I was chatting up OjitroC about this last year when he said he could probably configure them for team games. I asked him if he could extend that to other NPCs, like could he make an NPC of a SkaarjTrooper. He said he could likely do it for any model which had a bot setup.
So... this:

I tested this NPC on a number of gametypes, and it worked fine for most team games but not MonsterHunt. In that it didn't attack other players but it also didn't attack any monsters... which rather defeats the point.
I edited up some team skins for the SkaarjTrooper NPC...

...and the .utx for the KrallPlayer made by AlCapowned has a number of skin sets with Team Colors in it as well.
Hopefully other mappers will have fun placing these in their maps, and with a little goading you might even be able to get OjitroC to make more bots into NPCs as well.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/ikjsgx0y ... PCbots.zip