Let's surf more through this newer Editor.
I will want to know what it's all about in this bullshit class which 436 doesn't have... Is it discarded through network it it's just a 436 crusher ?
- NewClass_CrashingPurposedly.PNG (16.15 KiB) Viewed 89203 times
I stated on fixing game and forgetting dumb adds concerning run-time operation, but... it's not like anyone is listening. Good luck with this, boys...
As a simple UT user which I am, I will NEVER compile any of my Final/Beta mods in a UT Version number bigger than official 436 (- or let's say up to 440 ). Starting with 451, "devel-popers" were skilled in ruining assets. They started fighting with Editor in 2004 and winning the competition in making it useless for editing and it looks like community works harder to do more damage as possible - this is what I see, my apologies if I'm stupid. I was expecting superior Maps Editing support for preventing trash maps from being publicly released but I see that direction is being pointed elsewhere...
If I need a new class, I'm creating it in my mod/mutator and not referencing it in a new stock and which is NULL in older stock versions and causing a game-crash.
It's why games with new natives are no longer working here - even in natives are new things which are no longer matching old linkers...